National Federation of the Forest Friends Societies

Head office : 184, boulevard Saint-Germain - 75006 Paris 4

History : In 1973, under the leading of the 5 associations of the Friends of Forests of Fontainebleau, Rambouillet, Compiègne, Montmorency and Halatte, has been created a "Fédération des Sociétés d'Amis des Forêts de l'Ile de France et du bassin parisien".

From the start, this federation has clearly defined its goal: " To watch to the safeguard of the forests " ; to be accomplished by the following means :
- Help the exchanges between associations to help harmonize their positions in the fields of management, industrial, urban or road projects concerning the forests,
- Undertake any action aimed at preserving the forests,
- Increase forests' awareness in the three functions : protection, production and public reception.
Since 1975, most of the associations from the Paris basin had joined the Federation, raising its members' number to about 15. But it was only in 2000 that this regional federation became nationwide "Fédération Nationale des Sociétés d'Amis des Forêts" keeping the same goals. This federation gathers today 20 associations, representing about 3 000 individual members, including Eastern associations such as Nancy (Forêt de Haye), Western associations such as Elbeuf, Southern associations such as Montpellier (Massif de l'Aigoual), Northern associations such as Villers-Cotterêts and other famous forest friends associations such as Tronçais, Orléans, Fontainebleau and Saint-Germain.

The former presidents of the Federation :
1973/1979 : Henri Deroy, funder president, was also president of the Amis de la forêt de Fontainebleau. He was governor of the Crédit foncier de France and president of the Compagnie financière de Paris.
1979/1982 : Jacques Georges-Picot, president of the Compagnie financière de Suez.
1982/1994 : Jacques Gandouin, past Prefect.
1994/1999 : Gérard Larcher, at this time vice-president of the French Senate and Mayor of the Rambouillet city.
1999/2005 : Didier Julia, deputy of the Department Seine et Marne.
Depuis 2005 : Philippe Leroy, senator of the Moselle department, president of the General Council of Moselle and vice-president of the Superior Council of the Forests.
The federation's activities
The federation promoted exchanges between the presidents of the local associations, during the quarterly boards of directors. Moreover, the federation has mounted since the start long-term actions of council or lobbying on various topics such as:
- protecting the forests borders,
- the statute of protection forest (asked for by some associations but not by others),
- public reception in the forests,
- car traffic on public roads and on forest roads,
- biological reserves.

During his yearly general meetings, the Federation organize, either at the French Assemblée nationale, or at the French Senate or in the forest, a seminar or a study day on a hot pertinent topic such as those :
- " Forests management after 1999 windstorm" (2001).
- " The forest and territory planning" (2002).
- " Gestion Durable management of the forest and wildlife" (2003).
- " Private forest and durable management" (2006).
- " Natural or cultivated forest, free or overprotected forest" (2007).
- " Day study in the Rambouillet forest : the Grenelle forest " (2008).
- "Day study in the Compiègne forest : modern methods of exploitation and durable development" (2009).
- " Day study in the l'Isle-Adam forest: energy wood " (2010)
- " Day study in the Fontainebleau forest: public reception in the forest " (2011)

The Federation of the forest friends societies is also a member of some organisms :
- The Commission régionale de la forêt et des produits forestiers d'Ile de France (CRFPF), where it is represented by his general secretary and his treasurer,
- PEFC France where it is represented by his general secretary, some presidents of associations being also members of regional sections of PEFC.
- Moreover, the Federation's president, Mr. Philippe Leroy, is president of the Conseil supérieur de la forêt et des produits forestiers and vice-president of the comité national de politique forestière.
It is to note that the Comité opérationnel "Forêt" following the meeting " Grenelle de l'Environnement " was presided by Mr. Philippe Leroy.
The Federation's income are mainly the cotisations of the members associations (0,60€ by adherent), and in some years a subvention.
The expenses are almost exclusively the organization of the yearly meeting and the edition of the texts of it in a special Journal edition.
The Fédération nationale des sociétés d'Amis des forêts wants to expand his territory to some regions. The Federation wants also to contribute to tighten the links between the public and the forest specialists.

Adress for writing :
Jean Saint Loubert-Bié, General secretary, 71 avenue Mozart 75016 Paris. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Xavier Laverne, Treasurer, 23 avenue Mac-Mahon 75017 Paris. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.