Join the Association des Amis de la Forêt de Fontainebleau !
The role of the Association, recognized as a public utility establishment, is to participate to the protection of the Forest and to watch to the Forest’s accessibility to the numerous users who want to enjoy it for relaxing, walking or doing their favourite sport. Its action towards the public authorities depends upon the number of its members. Moreover, the members benefit from the following advantages:
- Subscription to the Journal la Voix de la Forêt ;
- Internet subscription to the « Green Leaf » newsletter;
- Free participation to all organized thematic walks (some are for members only such as the slab of deer ;
- Welcome gift to new members : special centenary issue and last issued issue of the Journal) ;
- Reduction for the famous Guide des Sentiers published by the Association ;
- Free participation to the year walk organized by the Fédération des Amis des Forêts ;
- Access to the members-only part of the internet site AAFF.
Note that the yearly AFF fee is fiscally deductible at 66 % from the state income tax.
The new members are welcomed at the beginning of the year in a special session of the Association, where the different activities and opportunities proposed to the members are shown.
If you want to join us, please fill the : Bulletin d'adhésion